
Thames Ditton Infant School

Loving Learning and Growing Together

The School Day

Our School Day

The school is open for 32.5hours.


Reception, Years 1 and 2 start time: 8.35am.


Staff are on both the main school and reception gate to welcome the children into school. The children walk independently to their classrooms. The school gates close at 8.33am


Registers are taken at 8.35am promptly in the morning and 1.05pm in the afternoon.

Children arriving after gates are closed must be signed in at the school office.

Children arriving after 8.35am - will receive a ‘L’ code, late arrival.

Children arriving after 8.45am - will receive a ‘U’ code, unauthorised absence.

As soon as registration has taken place the child start their learning. Across the morning, they access 3 lesson objectives. 



  • Monday 10.30am - KS1 
  • Year Group Assemblies are timetabled on other days of the week.
  • Curriculum Worship are class based and are timetabled across the week.
  • Friday's Whole School Celebration Assembly 2.15pm with Mrs Leach



Year 1 and 2: 10.30am - 10.45am

Reception have access to their outside play/learning spaces all day.



Reception 11.30am - 12.45pm

Years 1 and 2: 12.00pm - 1.00pm


After lunch the children settle down to 2 learning objectives. 


Home time

All children are collected from school via their classroom at 3.05pm

Please ensure you have recorded on the going home boards, located by your child’s drop off point, or contacted the school office by 2.45pm if your child is being collected by someone other than parent.
