SEN Code of Practice (2014)
We ensure that both children and parents are appropriately involved in all discussions and decisions about individual support and provision. The children’s needs are always at the heart of our provision and decision-making.
If you are worried about your child in any way then please speak in the first instance to your child's class teacher who can then arrange a meeting with other relevant staff as agreed.
At Thames Ditton Infant School we are committed to equality of opportunity and access to all areas of school life for all pupils. We aim to promote inclusion by ensuring all lessons are accessible to all children regardless of their Special Educational Needs or Disability. The children at Thames Ditton Infant School are taught to help one another and respect each other's differences.
If you require any further information please contact the school’s SENDCo, Monika Dennemont, via 02083985842 or school office,, who will ensure that your query will be forwarded on.
Please find more information on 'Surrey Local Offer', an online hub for 0-25 year olds with special educational needs or a disability: