
Thames Ditton Infant School

Loving Learning and Growing Together

School Uniform

School Uniform


At Thames Ditton Infant School we expect all children to wear uniform. We believe this shared identity gives children a sense of belonging and helps them to take pride in the school and in their appearance. 

Our policy on school uniform is based on the belief that our children are pleased to wear a uniform that:

· promotes a sense of pride in our school

· helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school

· identifies pupils to our school

· supports the school's commitment to inclusion

· is considered to be good value for money

· is practical, smart, and designed with health and safety in mind



The uniform options set out in our policy are gender neutral and it is not specified what items boys or girls should or should not wear within the permitted list.

We recognise that for some of our families’ religions or beliefs may require conformity to a particular dress code and we are sensitive to this.  We believe that most requirements can be well met within our policy and we always aim to accommodate these, showing flexibility where there is a genuine reason to do so.  However, it is important that any adaptations agreed do not compromise genuine health and safety concerns, and therefore we welcome any conversations with parents to discuss and agree adaptations.  

We also recognise that reasonable adjustments might need to be made for a pupil with a disability or special educational need and there is flexibility within our policy for this.  Parents are invited to discuss any adaptations that may be required with the school.


Partnership with Parents

It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that the child's name is visibly labelled on all items. 

If for any reason a parent has difficulties with the purchase of their child's uniform, they are asked to speak confidentially to the school office team who would be pleased to assist in any way they can.


The Role of Governors

The Governing Body supports the Head Teacher in implementing the school uniform policy.  They liaise with the Head Teacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. 

The Governing Body monitors and reviews the school uniform policy through its committee work to ensure that the policy aims are being met and that good procurement practices are followed for badged school items.


Requirements & Suppliers

Our school uniform policy has been reviewed to take into consideration the DfE's guidance on the cost of school uniforms. We have ensured that our uniform requirements are in-line with recent government guidance on the affordability of school uniforms and have minimised the requirement for badged items (items with logo).

Careful consideration has been taken regarding the cost and availability of our uniform for parents.  Most items of our school uniform can be bought from High Street shops and supermarkets.

Our badged uniform items can be purchased from  PMG Schoolwear and Network UK Uniforms.  These suppliers have been specifically chosen as they offer good value for money, convenience of location and competitive delivery costs for online shopping. 



· Children should not wear jewellery in school, but pupils with pierced ears may wear studs.  However, these must be removed for PE/swimming (Yr2) and other sporting activities by the child independently or not worn on PE days/swimming days.  Staff are unable to assist pupils in removal of these. If these are not removed then the pupil will not be able to participate in the discipline.

· Watches (small & plain)

· No necklaces or bracelets

Hair Styles

· Long hair should always be worn tied back, with plain bands, ribbons or scrunches. Alice hair bands are to be   plain and dark in colour.  No, large hair ties or bows are allowed.

· There should be no extreme hair styles i.e. patterns shaved into hair, dying of hair, Mohicans etc.


· Shoes need to be sturdy, plain with no apparent branding. 

· Trainers to be dark coloured and plain in style.

Nail Varnish & Temporary Tattoos

Children should not wear nail polish of any colour to school nor should they have visible temporary tattoos.


Book bags

Book bags can be purchased via Scopay and collected from the School Office


Name labels

Please ensure that all items of clothing and any other property brought into school is clearly marked with your child’s name. 

The school recommends that clear woven labels or adhesive name stickers should be used where possible.  

If you choose to order name labels from then the school will receive a small commission, please use the code 35670 when placing an order.


Pre-Loved uniform

We encourage the selling and buying of pre-loved items through the Friends of TDIS.  Uniform enquiries can be made via Clean donations can be deposited in the small blue wheelie bin just inside the school gate or brought to the school office.

School uniform list

(Not gender specific and available to all children)






White short sleeve polo shirt with school logo

Navy skirt/pinafore dress, long grey trousers

(plain, no jeans, cord or combat style) 

Navy V-neck jumper/cardigan with school logo
Tights , socks and accessories in grey, white or
navy blue 

Black/Navy sturdy  shoes
(no trainers, boots or slip-ons)



Light blue and white gingham dress
White polo shirt with
school logo with 
grey shorts 

Navy V-neck jumper/cardigan with school logo
White , grey or navy blue  socks

Black/Navy sturdy  shoes
(no trainers, boots or slip-ons)


Short-sleeved polo shirt with school logo
matching house colour*
Plain navy blue joggers /shorts  (summer)
(no branded items allowed e.g. sports brands or football kits)

Dark coloured trainers, plain in style

(no plimsolls)


Summer uniform should be worn from the end of the Spring term (after the Easter break) through to Autumn half term.

Children attend school wearing their PE kit on their timetabled PE or swimming day.

The School will notify you of the house your child has been placed in: Picton/Red, Lambert/Green, Speer/Blue, Burton/Yellow.

The majority of the above items may be purchased from general stockists.

The items with school logo need to be purchased from either Network UK Uniform or PMG Schoolwear.

