School Donations Film
Our school governors, with support from some of our current parents, have put together this short film to show how parent donations make a big difference to our school. Please click on the link below to view the video.
School Donation Fund Bank Details
As you may be aware, our school budget is increasingly under pressure. The school has a Donations Fund to which we are inviting our parents to voluntarily donate. Thank you to those who already do so. Your contributions make a significant difference to the children at our school.
If you would like to support the school by setting up a monthly standing order (the suggested amount is £20 per month however any amount is greatly appreciated) please see the bank details below. One-off donations can also be made using these details.
Sort Code 40-44-11
Account number 91356631
Account name - Friend Tdis2
Bank reference number – Donation + your child’s surname
Alternatively, please complete and provide the school with the regular donation form (see below) and we can set up a standing order for you.
If you would like to understand how your donation will support the school and your child, please see the communications sent out from the Governors.