School Donation Fund Bank Details
As you may be aware, our school budget is increasingly under pressure. The school has a Donations Fund to which we are inviting our parents to voluntarily donate. Thank you to those who already do so. Your contributions make a significant difference to the children at our school.
If you would like to support the school by setting up a monthly standing order (the suggested amount is £20 per month however any amount is greatly appreciated) please see the bank details below. One-off donations can also be made using these details.
Sort Code 40-44-11
Account number 91356631
Account name - Friend Tdis2
Bank reference number – Donation + your child’s surname
Alternatively, please complete and provide the school with the regular donation form (see below) and we can set up a standing order for you.
If you would like to understand how your donation will support the school and your child, please see the communications sent out from the Governors.