
Thames Ditton Infant School

Loving Learning and Growing Together

Meet the Governors

Confidentiality Statement: Governors respect the confidential nature of discussions and do not disclose governor business or decisions. When minutes of governing body meetings, Part 1, are approved they are made available to any member of the public who requests sight of them.

Professional Negligence Statement: Advice given by governors at this school is incidental to their professional expertise and is not being given in their professional capacity.


The Governing Body has adopted an open meeting protocol, which is published here for those who might wish to attend a meeting. The Governing Body has also agreed a Code of Conduct, which sets out the expectations and commitment required from members of the governing body.


The Governing Body of Thames Ditton Infant School was reconstituted on 1st September 2016 with a change of status to a Foundation School.


The Governing Body currently comprises a total of 11 governors and associate members who do not have voting rights:


  • 4 elected parent governors,
  • 1 elected staff governor,
  • 1 Local Authority governor,
  • 1 Headteacher,
  • 5 Co-opted governors, and
  • 2 Foundation governors
  • Associate members


Governors are appointed for a term of four years.


There are four committees:

  • Finance and Resources;
  • Personnel (with a Pay Committee from time to time)
  • Safeguarding and Wellbeing
  • Curriculum and Data.


These committees do much of the work and report to the Full Governing Body.


There are four FGB meetings in an academic year – two in the first term – and each Committee meets three times during the year. Governors work for the good of the school, providing a strategic overview and holding the Senior Leadership Team to account.


Governing Body


 Governor Type CommitteeSpecialismsDate of AppointmentTerm of Office (end date)
Mrs Elspeth LeachHeadteacher All 01/09/2022 
Mrs Sophie FrameStaff Governor 

Curriculum & Data Committee

Safeguarding & Wellbeing Committee

Health and Safety24/01/202423/01/2028
Mr Edward CooksonParent Governor 

Finance & Resources Committee

Curriculum & Data Committee

Mr Bronek CarrFoundation Governor Finance & Resources CommitteeCo-Chair and Chair of F&R Committee30/09/202129/09/2025
Ms Emma PalmerParent Governor Safeguarding and Personnel CommitteesDiversity and Inclusion6/10/20225/10/2026
Mr Dave EdwardsCo-opted Governor 

Safeguarding Committee and Safer Recruitment 

Mr Stewart HoltLA Governor Finance & Resources Committee 19/01/202318/01/2027
Ms Erin WilsonFoundation Governor Curriculum & Data CommitteeChair of C&D Committee; LAC, SEND, Disadvantaged Children23/11/202322/11/2027
Ms Rachael ClaridgeParent Governor Finance & Resources 19/02/202418/02/2028
Ms Lydia ParryCo-Opted (Community) Governor   10/05/20249/05/2028
Ms Debbie HolmesCo-Opted (Community) Governor   15/05/202414/05/2028
Ms Sarah WoodthorpeAssociate Member Finance & Resources Committee 14/09/202113/09/2025
Ms Melannie McGuinnessAssociate Member, SBM Finance & Resources Committee and Personnel Committee 21/11/2022 
Ms Alice SaywellAssociate Member Curriculum & Data Committee 31/10/202130/10/2025
Dr Stephanie Hesz-WoodAssoicate Member Curriculum & Data Committee 26/01/202425/01/2028
Ms Louise O'GormanAssociate Member 

Curriculum & Data 


Governors who have retired or stepped down in the last 12 months
Ms Charissa Fiander-DerryChair of Governors, Foundation Governor   20/06/201721/07/2023
Ms Nicki YoungParent Governor   16/11/202122/11/2023
Ms Isobelle Sinclair

Co-Opted Governor

Associate Member






and 24/05/2024

Ms Hannah Evans



Ms Lucy RaynorCo-opted Governor   28/03/202324/07/2024
Charlie CompsonParent Governor   14/10/202224/07/2024
Dr Nitu GehduCo-opted Governor   22/09/202024/07/2024



Clerk to the Governing Body is Mrs T. Day

Nitu Gehdu stepped down as Co-Chair and Chair of Safeguarding & Well-being committee on 24th July 2024


Lucy Raynor stepped down as a Co-Opted Governor on 24 July 2024.


Charlie Compson stepped down as a Parent Governor on 24 July 2024.


Isobelle Sinclair, stepped down as a Co-Opted Governor on 1/2/204 and as an Associate Member on 24/5/24


Hannah Evans stepped down as a Co-Opted Governor on 14 May 2024


Nicki Young stepped down as a Parent Governor on 22 December 2023.


Charissa Fiander-Derry stepped down as a Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors, effective 21 July 2023.






Governing Body Meeting Dates for Academic Year 2024-2025




