
Thames Ditton Infant School

Loving Learning and Growing Together


Mornings drop-off and afternoon pick-up times are completely flexible, however please note our times for serving food should your child need it.


Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club opens from 7:15am and is a great way for the children to start their day. They will be offered a healthy breakfast, a light activity and a chance to get ready for their school day.

Breakfast will stop being served at 8:15am. 


After School Club

Our After School Club runs from the close of the school day until 6:15pm.

The timetable is as follows:



3pmRegistration with a small snack and drink
3:30pmActivity Offered at Base 1, 2 , 3 and 4
4:45pmChildren eat a light tea. Tea time will finish by 5:30pm.
5:30pmFree play until pick up